
RotaryIQ Predictive maintenance Evaluation Kit x 2 Asystom + Kerlink Gateway iFemtoCell

Original price was: $2,500.00.Current price is: $1,999.00.

This device collects vibrations, ultrasound, 3d axial movements, temperature, humidity, and is capable of performing multiple measurements, making it possible to monitor 95% of machine applications 24/7. Save $$$ money on repairs and downtime.

This evaluation kit RotaryIQ includes 2 x AsystomSentinel devices, and 1 Kerlink IfemtoCell evolution LoRa gateway ( Ethernet, GSM, Lorawan) ,
* server setup, and access to IoTLogIQ application.
* Include transport to the USA.
* 2 x AsystomSentinel Indoor model with extension probe Model: BS-DLX-101-00
* Kerlink LoRa gateway
* One-year warranty (exchange basis);
* Access to the server, network, and right to use RotaryIQ solution for one year.
* Other included in the package :
– Server configuration
– Configuring the dashboard to customer application
– Remote support to installation
– Technical training and 6-month assistance.

SKU: EVAL-2xOUT-GTWT Y Categories: , Tags: , ,


Evaluation kit RotaryIQ including 2 x Asystom devices, Kerlink LoRa iFemtoCell gateway evolution  ( 4g,ethernet)
Collect vibration, ultrasound, 3d-axial velocity, and acceleration, Temperature and Humidity

Prevent failure.  Know before it’s too late.  Save thousands in  repairs, and downtime



  • server setup, and access to IoTLogIQ application.
  • 2 x Asystom Sentinel sensor with extension probe Model: BS-DLX-101-00
  •  Kerlink LoRaWan gateway IFemtoCell evolution with 4G and Ethernet for continuous communication.
  • One-year warranty (exchange basis);
  • Access to the server, network, and right to use AsystomPredict solution for one year.

Other included in the package:

  • Configuring the dashboard to customer application
  • Remote support to installation
  • Technical training and 6-month assistance.

More About

AsystomSentinel is an intelligent, multi-sensor device that captures and analyzes the signals from equipment and autonomously communicates the results to a secured, private cloud server via wireless LoRa (Long Range) network. It provides the real-time status of each monitored equipment and alerts in case of anomalies. All the collected data are available from a visualization platform that can be consulted on all media. The Asystom Sentinel device is managed remotely through the same visualization platform.

Over 3-5 years, powered by just 4 standard AA batteries. This device is capable of performing multiple measurements, making it possible to monitor 95% of machine applications.

Featured Highlights:

  • The fusion of vibration and ultrasound measurements,
  • The surface temperature of a machine,
  • The ambient temperature and humidity.
  • The utilization rate
  • Alarms and  events based on  drift from normal operations
  • FFT analysis for diagnostics  (  gas leaks,  lubrication, etc)


LoRa wireless network (Long Range) through LoRaWan Gateway (Gateway sold separately) or, as an option, via private or public LoRaWAN.


Vibration analysis :

  •  Typical Bandwidth 1750 Hz
  •  Sampling rate : 4.5 kHz
  •  Full scale range /- 16g
  •  Typical RMS noise : 7 mg
  •  Nonlinearity : – 0.5 %

Acoustic analysis:

  •  Typical Bandwidth 70 kHz
  •  Sampling rate : 180 kHz (120 db SPL)
  •  Signal-to-Noise : 64.3 dB

Total Harmonic Distortion :

  • 0.20%

Surface temperature :

  •  -40 °C to 85 °C
  •  -104°F to 136°F

Package Includes:

  • AsystomSentinel  device with extension probe for North America (US915)
  • 1 Year Service access and network subscription
  • 1 Year Standard exchange warranty



Additional information

Weight 7.5 lbs

Asystom, Kerlink, Senzary





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