Elsys ELT Lite

Analog signals, digital signals



The ELT Lite sensor is a general LoRaWAN® device for measuring analog or digital signals. It is a 1-channel GPIO wireless transceiver and can also provide power to external sensors. It is enclosed in an IP67 box and is designed to be outside. It is powered by a 3,6V AA lithium battery, and the battery life is estimated to be up to 10 years depending on the sample interval, transmit interval, data rate, and environmental factors. You can configure ELT Lite for external temperature probe, pulse counting, analog input 0-10V, digital input, water leak, switch, and many more options. All Elsys sensors are equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication) for easy configuration with an Android phone. Supported channel plans: US902-928, EU863-870, AS923, AU915-928, KR920-923, RU864 & IN865. Dimensions: 94x59x35 mm Weight: 100g, including battery. Operating temperature: -40 – 60 °C (85 °C with external power supply)

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